Things have gone a little crazy at work lately, as my entire department will be moving to a new building 15 minutes away. Part of the craziness is trying to clean out our cubicles, and get rid of stuff we no longer need. In doing this, I noticed a list of embroidery links I had saved at some point. Since there's really no reason for me to be keeping this list at work, I thought I would share it here and immortalize it forever. :)
In Prayse of the Needle This site hasn't been updated in quite some time, but it has a wealth of information regarding tudor/elizabethan embroidery. The author has created several projects herself, and has a number of very helpful class handouts.
Historical Needlework Resources This site is pretty fabulous. It covers several different countries, and several different time periods & styles. It has beautiful examples, and also explains how to execute the various stitches. I found this site extremely helpful when I was researching 16th century embroidery.
The Atlantian Embroiderer's Guild As with most Kingdom guild sites, this one has lots of good information. One of the best features of this one is that they have created patterns for the populace badges & ensigns of all the Kingdoms in the Knowne World.
Auntie Elspeth's Book Reviews I realize that this sounds a little strange, but this is a very helpful site. This page is a collection of embroidery book reviews written by a lady in the SCA. If you are considering buying something, I would suggest taking a look at this page to see if there is a review on it.
West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild Like with the Atlantian site, this is another Kingdom guild site. This one has a particularly good list of articles written by its members.
I do enjoy embroidery, and I am fascinated by the heraldic quality of 16th century English and Scottish embroidery. I know I will do an art/sci project on this eventually, but right now there are lots of other fiber arts winking at me seductively. Be patient, embroidery...I shall return to you someday.